
US Unemployment Stats

Unemployment RatePercent or rate - Age: 16 years and over
Civilian Labor Force Participation RatePercent or rate - Age: 16 years and over
Civilian Labor Force LevelNumber in thousands - Age: 16 years and over
Employment LevelNumber in thousands - Age: 16 years and over
Unemployment LevelNumber in thousands - Age: 16 years and over
Employment-Population RatioPercent or rate - Age: 16 years and over
Employed, Usually Work Full TimeNumber in thousands - Age: 16 years and over
Employed, Usually Work Part Time (persons who usually work less than 35 hours)Number in thousands - Age: 16 years and over
Unemployment Rate - 16-19 YearsPercent or rate - Age: 16 to 19 years
Unemployment Rate - 25 Years & Over, Less than a High School DiplomaPercent or rate - Age: 25 years and over - Educational attainment: Less than a High School diploma
Unemployment Rate - 25 Years & Over, High School Graduates No CollegePercent or rate - Age: 25 years and over - Educational attainment: High School graduates, no college
Unemployment Rate - 25 Years & Over, Some College or Associate DegreePercent or rate - Age: 25 years and over - Educational attainment: Some college or associate degree
Unemployment Rate - 25 Years & Over, Bachelor's Degree and HigherPercent or rate - Age: 25 years and over - Educational attainment: Bachelor's degree and higher
Number Unemployed For Less Than 5 weeksNumber in thousands - Age: 16 years and over - Duration unemployed/laid off: Less than 5 weeks
Number Unemployed For 5-14 WeeksNumber in thousands - Age: 16 years and over - Duration unemployed/laid off: 5 to 14 weeks
Number Unemployed For 15 Weeks & OverNumber in thousands - Age: 16 years and over - Duration unemployed/laid off: 15 weeks and over
Number Unemployed For 27 Weeks & OverNumber in thousands - Age: 16 years and over - Duration unemployed/laid off: 27 weeks and over
Average Weeks UnemployedNumber of weeks - Age: 16 years and over
Median Weeks UnemployedNumber of weeks - Age: 16 years and over
Unemployment Level - Job LosersNumber in thousands - Age: 16 years and over - Reasons looking for work: Job losers and persons who completed temporary jobs
Unemployment Level - Job Losers on LayoffNumber in thousands - Age: 16 years and over - Reasons looking for work: Total on layoff
Unemployment Level Job Losers Not on LayoffNumber in thousands - Age: 16 years and over - Reasons looking for work: All other job losers
Unemployment Level Job LeaversNumber in thousands - Age: 16 years and over - Reasons looking for work: Quit job (job leavers)
Unemployment Level Reentrants To Labor ForceNumber in thousands - Age: 16 years and over - Reasons looking for work: Reentrants
Unemployment Level New EntrantsNumber in thousands - Age: 16 years and over - Reasons looking for work: New entrants
Persons At Work Part Time for Economic ReasonsNumber in thousands - Age: 16 years and over - Hours at work: 1 to 34 hours
Not in Labor ForceNumber in thousands - Age: 16 years and over
Not in labor force - Want a job now, Marginally attached (Searched for work in previous year, Available to work now)Number in thousands - Age: 16 years and over - Reasons not in labor force: Searched for work in previous year - Available to work now (Marginally attached)
Not in labor force - Want a job now, Marginally attached, Discouraged workersNumber in thousands - Age: 16 years and over - Reasons not in labor force: Discouragement over job prospects (believes no job is available)
Total unemployed, plus all persons marginally attached to the labor force, plus total employed part time for economic reasons, as a percent of the civilian labor force plus all persons marginally attached to the labor force (U-6)Percent or rate - Age: 16 years and over
Multiple Jobholders LevelNumber in thousands - Age: 16 years and over
Multiple Jobholders as a Percent of Total EmployedPercent of employed within group - Age: 16 years and over

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